National Association of Teachers of RE

Imperial Court, Sovereign Road, Birmingham B30 3FH

0121 458 3313

What is NATRE?

NATRE is the subject teacher association for RE professionals. It works to support those who teach and lead in all schools and institutions and at all stages of their career.

Who is NATRE run by?

NATRE works through its Executive Committee and its Executive Officer. It is a member of the Religious Education Council (REC) and the Council for Subject Associations (CfSA) and is sponsored by RE Today Services.

What does NATRE do?

NATRE provides a focal point for the concerns of RE professionals, a representative voice at national level for all who teach and lead in RE, and publications and courses to support professional development.

Contribution to RE

Whether it is through our networks of local groups or social networks, NATRE is a connection to the RE community. In collaboration with RE Today Services and through its all-inclusive membership service, NATRE provides a comprehensive range of benefits and support for all those who teach RE.

NATRE has a range of membership packages available for primary and secondary schools and their RE teachers, teacher trainees and other RE professionals. The NATRE membership scheme provides members with the termly RE Today magazine which includes Professional REflection, a curriculum publication, access to the NATRE membership area of the website, the RE Today subscriber area and support through NATRE-affiliated local groups. Membership also provides month-by-month benefits including exclusive offers and discounts on resources, FREE monthly downloadable resources written by RE advisers and sent directly to your email inbox, huge discounts on all NATRE and RE Today courses – ranging from £30 to an entirely FREE course place – discounts on webinars, termly head teacher briefings and much more.

Take a look at some of the projects we are involved in.
See our lobbying activity