Catholic Association of Teachers

St Mary’s University College, Waldegrave Road, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham TW1 4SX

0208 240 4216

Formed in 1996, the Catholic Association of Teachers, Schools and Colleges (CATSC) works to support and safeguard the interests of Catholic education and those working in it. Membership ranges from Nursery Schools to Sixth Form Colleges and includes both state and independent schools. The Association also has links with other Catholic organisations including: the Catholic Education Service, Birmingham’s Catholic Partnership, and other partnerships, Mission Together and the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD).

CATSC also seeks to promote closer ties with Catholic schools and teachers on the international front through our active membership of the World Union of Catholic Teachers, and through ADDEC, our fraternal organisation in France.

Contributions to RE

Conferences and training days covering all sectors are arranged at both national and local level to explore the major issues affecting Catholic education. The Association is also active in responding to government consultations and initiatives, ensuring that the distinctive voice of catholic teachers and schools is heard in the national education debate.